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Genchu’s poor hat can never catch a break!

I assume we’ve all seen that newest Star Wars trailer? It certainly gives me the fanboy spine tingles! I suppose I’m concerned that there will be lack of humor in this film? But not that concerned considering the great banter that’s in every other Abrams film.

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  • elebenty

    I sincerely hope that gun pulls to the right. Our arms-seller knows the translator doesn’t have deep pockets, so Genchu’s the most likely target.

    A shot in the air doesn’t seem to phase people around here.

    • Have a rock

      Shots in the ceiling however…

      • elebenty

        :) Just not as helpful where our hero currently stands.

  • Flaming Squirrel

    … because I greatly enjoy losing fingers?

  • Kid Chaos

    Ricky had better just put that thing down. If he kills Genchu, Nataku will kill him for spoiling his “fun”. If he hits Nataku instead, the Wataro soldiers will kill him for attacking their boss. It’s lose-lose all the way. 😯

    • Cross Ikon

      He’s about to do a Jango Fett: Bringing guns to a swordfight.

      • suburban_samurai

        You know what else Jango Fett does? He hires an assassin to kill his target for him, but then when she fails and goes on the run, he follows her so he can execute her when she’s finally captured instead of just hanging back and killing his target himself while the assassin leads the jedi away. JUST SAYIN’

        • Cross Ikon

          The fact that Zam happened to be his only friend (if you read the books, anyway) made the whole thing kind of sad >_<

          • Dana

            Well, he did have Kal Skirata and the rest of the Cuy’val Dar training sergeants.

          • Cross Ikon

            At the time of AOTC?

          • Dana

            Yes, it’s mentioned in “Republic Commando: Triple Zero”.

          • suburban_samurai

            It makes it both sad and stupid because that means he decided he’d rather kill his only friend than use the opening she created to assassinate Padme, which was the mission he was hired to do!

    • suburban_samurai

      Are you suggesting running in with a loaded gun isn’t going to simplify the situation?

      • Kid Chaos

        Shocking, isn’t it? 😁

      • Rose

        I don’t know who would imply something like that. Don’t loaded guns fix all problem?

    • charles81

      Well… Even if Genchu still has a maimed arm and is no longer in his prime, I’d still wager him capable of putting up a good defence against the remaining soldiers while the others escaped should Ricardo decide to kill Nataku.

      If I had to take a guess though, I’d say he’ll aim for Genchu and probably get stopped by priest and guru. If he isn’t stopped then this could be both the farewell for Genchu AND the sales pitch Ricardo needs to win over Nataku… except he’ll be short a translator to broker the deal :(

    • Xinef

      Are you sure soldiers would be mad if he injured/killed Nataku? I’d think at least some soldiers would prefer to see him dead, as he seems to disregard his own soldiers’ lives. If they’re loyal to him, it’s most likely because they’re afraid to do otherwise.

      I mean sure, some soldiers probably are happy to serve under Nataku, because with his aggressiveness, they get more opportunities for plunder and whatnot. But I wouldn’t be sure if they’d be the majority.

      • Kid Chaos

        It doesn’t matter if the soldiers hate his guts; he’s still a Wataro General, and they still have their orders–and their honor. Any attack on one of their guys (especially by this gaijin who just showed up out of nowhere) will be met with lethal force. Believe it! 😯

        • Xinef

          Nah, there’s no need for bushido.

        • ???


    • Purphoros

      Isn’t it actually a complete win if he shoots Nataku? Nataku gone: Win. The gun-seller gone: Win. Okay, it’s not that much win for Ricky, i guess…
      Damn, now win doesn’t sound like a word anymore.

    • KungFuKlobber

      He could go shoot some fish. They ain’t breakfast, but there are other meals in the day.

  • Sunwu

    I swear if Genchu dies, I’m gonna kill him.

    • Kid Chaos

      Do you mean Genchu or Ricky? 😜

      • Sunwu


      • ???

        Genchu, duh.

  • Tristantak

    “I recovered”.
    Hahahaha, perfect.

    • Kid Chaos

      He got better. 😜

  • Neska

    See, the gun will NOT un-complicate the situation: Kill Genchu, Nataku may or may not be pissed but either way you’ve lost your ONLY TRANSLATOR. Kill Nataku, make yourselves enemies of the Wataro Clan. Kill both, and you’d best hope that ambassador is ambitious. Kill neither, and we’ve got a duel between a master swordsman and a monster with a whole bunch of potential collateral damage hanging around just waiting to be either stabbed or shot. There’s no un-complicating this.

    • suburban_samurai

      This is an unavoidable truth, but try telling Ricardo that!

      • Neska

        I can’t! I don’t speak Portuguese! I don’t even know enough Spanish to try to fake it. Though if the priest speaks any English he could translate . . . and the whole attempt might be sufficiently distracting to keep him from making things worse . . . okay, gimme a minute to get my corset and to strategically place a few daggers in case things go south before teleporting me in!

        • Xinef

          Quickly, learn Hindi!

        • ???

          Focus your Chakra!

          • Neska


    • Leo

      Are you saying that not everything becomes easier when bringing muskets in the equation?

      Clearly you haven’t fired enough muskets in your life.

      • Neska

        I haven’t fired any muskets, as I am not fond of guns, but considering the situation I still stand by my statement.

        • Leo

          NEVER ENOUGH MUSKETS!!!!!!

          Seriously, though, I think I know what Rrrricardo is planning here. Fire at the air, and take everyone by surprise, calling attention to himself instead of the battle of the samurai. Whether that’d make Genchu (who has already witnessed a demonstration) and Nataku (who’s in bersek mode) stop I’m not sure, but it’s actually a good idea on paper, albeit without any guarantees, if you ask me.

  • Hfar

    Time to see if Genchu can master the art of deflecting bullets. In about twenty seconds.

    And yes! The new trailer has got me so hyped! Although one question stands out in mind: how the heck did that one dude get Luke/Anakin’s old light saber?

    • suburban_samurai

      I’d suggest not looking it up, but there are plenty of potential spoiler rumors as to how Finn get’s the child killing saber.

  • Da’Zlein

    Going to fire at Nataku for attacking his translator or attacking Genchu for holding the ambassador hostage?

    Well, I suppose he could just fire it in the air to get everyone’s attention…

    • Xinef

      He’s gonna shoot the ambassador, for being ugly!

  • Derkins

    ruh roh!

  • Xinef

    De hat didn’t dodge quickly enough!

    • ???

      Genchu used Dehat!
      It’s super effective!
      De hat fainted!
      Genchu gains 2345 experience.
      De hat paid out $45 to the winner.

    • Kid Chaos
  • Mark Irwin

    I like his solution.

  • foducool


  • Warcodered

    His de-hatting technique is magnificent.

  • SotiCoto

    This is going to lead to Genchu changing his name to Mitsurugi and going on a quest to find the sword that can beat guns. The sword with a big old eye in the midst.

    • suburban_samurai

      When we originally started the comic, I’d envisioned a lot of guest video game characters from other franchises crossing over into the comic, especially characters from Soul Calibur, Onimusha, and Mortal Kombat. Granted that was short lived and the tone of the comic became less irreverent than that, albeit still pretty wacky.

      • SotiCoto

        He pretty much is a Mitsurugi expy in appearance at least. I’m inclined to say Genchu has a much better character to him though. Mitsurugi was always a bit more mercenary. =3

  • 627235

    Wat! It’s not Cho under the hat. Who’d have guessed?

  • dr pepper

    I’m truly dubious about the usefulness of a matchlock when you’re already in melee time.

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