For a while now I’ve been tossing around the idea of hiring a full time colorist to work on NN4B, and that’s finally happened! This is the first page, and likely to be many pages onward, colored by the talented Yoko. “But, Alex, why hire a colorist? Clearly you are also capable of coloring!” Well, the truth is that with a full time art job, occasional commission work, and the comic, I’ve been gradually losing steam. I want to draw the comic, but I no longer want to put ten or more hours into each page. With Yoko on as a colorist, I can get a page drawn and inked in five to six hours, or possibly less depending on the complexity of the page. This also lets me draw more pages, which, likely, will result in more frequent updates! I can’t promise when this will happen, as we’d like to build up a buffer of pages first (usually I’m finish a page just before it’s updated).
Does anyone here watch this little, barely known show called Game of Thrones? It’s alright, I guess. Actually, it USED to be alright, even quite good, through the first three seasons! Now my favorite part of Game of Thrones is Preston Jacob’s hilarious review videos. It’s not really that I hate the show at this point; if it were any other show it would easily be top quality spectacle entertainment. The problem is that GoT went from being a nuanced, morally gray drama with anti war and anti oligarchy themes and storylines that frequently subverted expectation to a good guys vs bad guys slug-fest where a lot of people randomly die with no story resolution, and everyone acts in ways that serve the plot rather than the characters. As a fan of the books and the first three seasons of the show, it’s like watching a very disappointing train wreck with a few beautiful dragons thrown in. Then again, maybe I’m upset over nothing and should be happy to get any resolution on this story!
Published on by Alex Kolesar