
Features these Characters

Belongs to these Storylines



This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Genchu and Hirotomo not trying to kill each other! They were bros once, for sure. Also this page probably should’ve been two pages because it took quite some time to finish!

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  • Flaming Squirrel

    Reminds me of when I went to trade school and introduced my parents to my new best friend when they came to visit.

    • suburban_samurai

      Was your friend a gregarious burly samurai badass?

      • Flaming Squirrel

        Take away the “burly” part, and… yeah, pretty much.

  • Sunwu

    Its guy love between two guys

    • suburban_samurai

      Can you feel the love tonight?

      • Bram Weinreder

        Always pegged Hirotomo being the androgynous type… ^__^ kawaii!

    • Percabeth_trash

      I miss Scrubs.

  • Sunwu

    Quick question, so is Genchu a hired hand for the Daisuke or is he actually part of the clan himself?

    • suburban_samurai

      Genchu was adopted into the Daisuke clan as a kid. He rose to the rank of samurai because back then being a total badass in fights would get you power and notoriety, no noble lineage required (until the Tokugawa Shogunate put a strict caste system in place).

      • Jordan Hiller

        TIL that the Japanese caste system isn’t nearly as old as I thought.

  • KungFuKlobber

    The panel that launched a thousand ships

    • Sunwu

      Cant wait to see what they’ll post in Deviant Art! They’ll have a Sonic the Hedgehog AU fan fic and everything.

      • suburban_samurai

        So Hirotomo is Sonic because he has spikey hair and Genchu is Knuckles because he’s got beefy arms?

        • Sunwu

          Hirotomo seems more like a Shadow to me, but yeah why not! Anything can happen in the fanfic world.

        • Xinef

          And Cho is Luigi.

    • suburban_samurai

      I’m okay with this.

      • Jordan Hiller

        It’s a good thing you’re OK with it, ’cause it would probably happen anyway.

    • Kid Chaos

      Ship it! Ship it good! 😍

  • IDPounder

    I like the guard in panel 4. You can almost hear the thought process…

    “Big guy grabbing the daimyo’s son. I have this naginata here. Stabby?”
    “No! No stabby. Remember what happened the last time we did that to a guest?”
    “But but but…bearhug assault!!”
    “NO STABBY!”

  • Sam DunKley

    I love this. Showing how someone can turn into Paranoid Warlord David Xanatos is making for some of the best visuals and character moments to date. And that’s really saying something here.

    • suburban_samurai

      I’m glad this scene’s working so well for you, Sam! And I always appreciate a Xanatos reference! Although, in the end, DX got his moral shit together, became a real family man.

  • Da’Zlein

    They were slapping their swords against each other for about two hours. They ended up calling it because they both got too sweaty to keep their grips.

    • jwkovell

      You’re actually kind of close to the truth. But Genchu and Hirotomo wouldn’t give in after only 2 hours!

  • Unhooked

    “Hirotomo, have you been seeing birdfish again? You’re acting all weird and… happy. It’s pretty creepy, honestly.”

    • suburban_samurai

      Birdfish bring out the best/creepiest in Hirotomo.

  • Turul

    I only found this comic a while ago, but it’s already one of my favourite webcomics! It’s just too great! And today’s page is so cute, but now it’s even more sad that they’re no longer bff.

    • suburban_samurai

      I’m glad you’re liking the comic! As for the lost Hirotomo/Genchu bromance, life is pain and anyone that tells you different is trying to sell you something (or so I learned from the Princess Bride, a movie filled with happy endings).

      • IDPounder

        +1 gold star for the Princess Bridge reference. Now you’re going to have to work in a cameo for some ROUS…

        • Bram Weinreder

          ‘I am Ken, you killed my father. Now KADOOOSH!!’

        • suburban_samurai

          I mean we already had Uso…

      • Xinef

        Life is a pain, sure. But pain is overrated. It’s just a response from bodily sensors (and/or brain) that tells you “you are taking damage, build additional pylons”. And it can drive people mad.
        But other than that, it’s overrated.

        • suburban_samurai

          If life is like a game of Starcraft, it’s no wonder I’m struggling! (Actually, I’m not struggling, but that would make me sound good at Starcraft, which I am definitely not).

  • endplanets

    Dang, Genchu is huge.

    • suburban_samurai

      Pays to be a big boy!

  • Insane Disciple

    It’s called youth, old man

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