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It’s all coming together!

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  • LordBolanderFace

    “Full On Cacophony!” is now the Wataro battlecry. This is my headcanon and none of you can convince me otherwise.

    On a side note, I always knew NN4B would eventually become a cover based shooter. The video game industry has no creativity anymore.

    • suburban_samurai

      We’re even trying to replicate the desaturated brown color schemes to highlight the GRITTINESS of war! (But seriously, that was like five years ago. Now FPS games are all about wall running in the near/distant future full of bright neon lights and flying cars)

      • LordBolanderFace

        That, and battle royale death matches… which are awesome and I love them.

      • noerartnoe

        Don’t forget Doom 2016 and the Wolfensteins for pure “old-fashioned” FPS shootybang mayhem. I know they aren’t the norm, but they’re always worth remembering.

        • Jonathan B

          Wolfenstein mentions always remind me of the best Wolf MP game ever: Enemy Territory. I loved that game. I was never a top tier combat guy, but I used to have a rep as a suicide engineer. Jumping into airstrikes to repair things was a necessary exercise of the warrior code sometimes πŸ˜€

      • Kid Chaos

        [Pouts] I liked “Muffled Cacophony” better; it had that old-school NN4B feel to it. 😜

    • KungFuKlobber

      RIP, originality.

      Press F to pay respects.

      • LordBolanderFace

        … L

        • suburban_samurai


          • Drunken Nordmann


            No, wait. Oh shit, that was [Doubt] – now I got an offended person glare at me.

          • Xinef

            [Any Key]

      • Kid Chaos

        CRTL-ALT-DEL 😜

        • clogboy

          How about Alt-F4 for God mode?

    • purplelibraryguy

      Momentary pedantry: Perhaps “Full On Cacaphony” is the Wataro battlecry. “Full on Cacophony could be the Watoro battlecry; a misspelled battlecry for a misspelled clan.

      • suburban_samurai

        I double checked the spelling a couple of times over the last few pages. Unless google has failed me, ‘cacophony’ is the correct spelling.

        • purplelibraryguy

          Good lord. I’m . . . I’m completely wrong about a spelling thing. This never happens to me. The internet took away the spelling I remember!

          • clogboy

            I know! It’s full on caca!

  • Kid Chaos

    Take cover yourself, General Tanaka! 😡

  • Arkone Axon

    Called it. He’s sending his men into a meat grinder, just so he can slaughter the other side. It reminds me of a quote from the Discworld books, about how Lord Rust was a fan of the military school of thought that held that if you took the total number of enemy casualties and subtracted the total number of friendly casualties, then as long as you had a positive number it was a net victory.

    …Also, that it didn’t matter whether you won or lost, as long as you participated because war is awesome. Especially when your participation consists of yelling at other people to do the fighting.

    • suburban_samurai

      I remember Rust’s comments, but I can’t remember which book it was from. Joe would know, he’s gone through that series half a dozen times.

      • jwkovell

        Pratchett expresses this in several books.

        Lord Rust was called out for it in Jingo. I suspect that isn’t the only time, though.

        I faintly recall William de Word (possibly my 2nd or 3rd favorite character in the series) mocking the idea in Truth.

        Finally, it just seems likely to have come up in Monstrous Regiment – considering it was all about the folly of war and the value of those fighting on the front lines.

  • Major Tom

    That lead Wataro spearman….almost took an arrow to the knee. Was he an adventurer once upon a time?

    • suburban_samurai

      Let’s not start that meme again!

      • Major Tom

        Of course. But on the other hand, had he taken it a little higher, he would have taken it to the junk. “Arrow to the junk” doesn’t quite have the same ring as “arrow to the knee”.

  • Merlin

    I will say, I am somewhat impressed to see Eijiro right there at the front with his riflemen, rather than leading from behind.

    • suburban_samurai

      He’s a born leader!

      • Turul

        But not a forged leader. (That’s Ina.)

      • LordBolanderFace

        It’s easy to be a leader when a bunch of guys with pointy sticks are right behind you.

    • TekServer

      Puts me in mind of Maxim #18: “If the officers are leading from the front, watch for an attack from the rear.”

  • clogboy

    Darn. Once they tear through Senshin’s spearmen, then the trenched archers will be like fish in a barrel. They really should’ve considered putting up a pallisade and an archway with battlements. Good strategy to use the guns for cover fire.

  • 627235

    It’s cute that they think aiming a musket does them any good.

    • Ocean Burning.

      Yeah, I’m kinda wondering, what type(s) of rifles would they have been using in this time period, and how accurate were they?

      • purplelibraryguy

        Wellll, this is presumably significantly pre-Napoleonic. Even by Napoleonic times, rifles were fairly accurate, but they weren’t much use in mass formations because the rifling made reloading significantly slower . . . and considering how slow muskets already were to reload compared to, say, a bow or even a crossbow . . .
        Basically, if you’ve got a muzzle-loader, rifling squishes the bullet a bit so ramming it down the barrel is harder; seems like it was a significant hassle.

        • Kid Chaos

          And the reload time is a real bitch (muzzleloaders; gotta love ’em). 😁

        • Ocean Burning.

          If the timeline is anything similar to real-world time, it would have been the early 1500’s… but the author said it’s the 1580’s, so I guess it’s not similar… so nevermind XD

    • suburban_samurai

      Regardless of historical 1580’s’s rifle accuracy, the comic has depicted the guns as accurate, at least when wielded by Ricardo. Since we don’t generally promote historical accuracy in the comic, it’s best to base narrative assumptions on information given in the story thus far, and not actual historical events. Having said that, I would probably have tried to create a much more historically accurate tale if I hadn’t started the comic when I was 18 and dumb! My recommendation is to buckle up and enjoy the fantasy of it all.

      • Alexander Swift

        That was mighty helpful. I’m still picking out the shrapnel from my headsplosion over “riflemen” in 1580’s Japan.

        Rest, relax, and enjoy the ride.

      • Xinef

        Personally, I enjoy NN4B the way it is. Kadoosh!, Treevenge, Mt.Fuji-no-jutsu, 1000-fists-of-Cho-badassery… winning wars with a game of go… or a moustache measuring contest… all the good stuff!
        When I want more realism, I pick Usagi Yojimbo.

        Oh wait, maybe that’s not the best example of historical accuracy…

        I pick history books? Yeah. That’ll work better.

      • 627235

        Enjoying fantasy it is. And it’s easy with a comic this good.
        It’s just sometimes you notice those little things. Rock-throwing based martial arts? Cool stuff. “Firing” arrows? Gah, there’s no fire involved!
        Oh well, never mind me, just keep on creating great content.

      • Joshua Petersen

        I’m reminding myself that there’s two future-savvy immortals actively trying to rewrite history here. Who knows how long they’ve been at it and how much has been rewritten.

        In fact, worth noting… trench warfare, and we’re nowhere close to WWI. I would say time-altering shenanigans are having a serious effect.

        To what end? Who knows… but accelerating the technology of warfare as goal of altering history (instead of, you know, killing Hitler’s right hand man or something) says some very dark things about the future they’re altering.

  • clogboy

    Eijiro is not only pulling his weight, he’s also taking advice. I hope Nataku can deliver him a victory of sorts (yes, I’m taking an interest in Eji’s character development), because not only is he responsible enough to take charge of what is in fact his ambition, he’s also not too proud to take instructions from a clearly more experienced general.
    This is the type of internship that makes the most fearsome leaders, and I’m dreading the day Eji and Yori have to face eachother, even if Eji will have to cower behind his riflemen by lack of sword skills. He does, however, understand the burden of sacrifice and the practicalities of delegating.

    • Xinef

      However, it also means he’s taking instructions from a general who betrayed his own lord, and who would betray Eijiro for his own goals…
      so I hope Eijiro has a plan for such a case.

  • Xinef

    Wataro: TAKE AIM
    Senshin: TAKE COVER

    • KungFuKlobber

      Fumio and Fujio: TAKE FIVE

  • clogboy

    Off topic but I know it’s of interest: how about the latest Star Trek: Discovery episodes? Definitely a few plot twists there that put past (and seemingly less rewarding) events in a different light. I want to rewatch the whole season.

  • dr pepper

    muskets are not rifles.

  • Frank Royce Harr

    You too, green dude!

    I hope this works.

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