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Back to the Izuma ninja clan, which inexplicably seems to have more soldiers than the Wataro army! This page features one of our Kickstarter backers, Matthew, or, as I’d prefer to call him by his much more badass online moniker, Rapier Kamigawa. He’s the big, silent guy with the hood, if you weren’t sure. That’s also his own IRL LARP gear I drew, which just so happened to fit into the ninja mold quite naturally! On a side note, the ninja with the cocky attitude is wearing an orange headband in reference to a certain obnoxiously loud ninja with an affinity for orange.

On another side note, I saw Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation. It was fun! I I feel like MI is a movie series that’s actually improved over time. I love all the practical stunts, although it is hard to believe that Ethan Hunt was able to just walk away from all the tumbles he takes. Pretty sure his spine should’ve been shattered in that opening scene alone. He also manages to leap through multiple panes of glass and fall off a motorcycle moving at excessively high speeds without getting a scratch while wearing nothing more than jeans and a Hawaiian shirt. Impossible? Not for team IMF! It’s just, you know, highly improbable, which is totally doable for these guys!

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  • Cross Ikon

    When is ninja-ing NOT an accessory competition?

    • Eltharrion

      When you want to, I don’t know, actually blend in the night with nothing shiny showing off from first little match lighted in your general area? xD

      • Cross Ikon

        What, why ever would you want to do that? Hell, let’s put a WHOLE SUIT of armor on, and hope that the clanking doesn’t alert people.

        • Kid Chaos

          Maybe just a chain mail shirt. :)

          • Cross Ikon

            Naaaah, why put a shirt on?

          • Kid Chaos

            Shirtless Ninja! Now *there’s* a way to increase readership!

      • animalia555

        If you want to want to blend in you don’t wear black. You wear dark but mottled clothing. The whole nika in black thing comes from KABUKI!

  • Kid Chaos

    Iron Claw should really go for the Eyepatch of Power look. Just as long as he doesn’t go too far and actually gouge out his own eye.

    • Sunwu

      Too bad he can’t get like a Hightech Eyepatch with Night vision lenses and lasers dots

      • Kid Chaos

        Now that I think about it, Uso’s eyepatch and prosthetic eye are currently up for grabs… 😉

  • charles81

    A pointed argument but cut down in the end.

    Really though. Superfluous eyepatches are just a necessity!

    • KungFuKlobber

      Nah. The Shredder has the claws and the spiked shoulder pads but doesn’t need no eye patch.

      • Eltharrion

        He does have a cool helmet though.

        • suburban_samurai

          The amount of face you can cover directly correlates to how cool you are in ninjadom.

          • charles81

            And you’re exceptionally cool if you’re sitting down to eat and STILL manage to keep your face covered… Ninja tricks

          • Xinef

            I’m thinking the coolest thing might yet to come… when he tries to use his sword instead of chopsticks.

            PS.: Don’t even try using hand claws as chopsticks. Just… don’t.

          • Rose

            Having your whole face covered is a sign of true badassery.

    • IDPounder

      Just don’t go stealing Yumiko’s patch. That might lose you a hand, if you’re lucky.

  • KungFuKlobber

    All the Mission Impossible movies are pretty great. Except 2. MI:2 sucks.

    • suburban_samurai

      I like 2 more than 3, from what I can remember of them. Although 2 is just a silly action movie that’s at least tonally consistent with itself. 3 was like this weird ‘let’s be goofy but then let’s also murder people in horrific ways’ that made me not much like it. Sometime J J Abrams forces too much melodrama into his work. I still don’t much care for the opening of Star Trek 2009 since it’s trying so hard to make me cry that it feels forced.

      • EternalLurker

        I have yet to watch Super 8, but I’ve heard good things about it. Maybe I should get around to watching it so that there can finally be -one- thing Abrams has directed/written which didn’t bore me to tears.

        • suburban_samurai

          I did like Super 8! Unfortunately, it suffers from a nonsense plot, because the super advanced, highly intelligent, berserker monster alien is such a logical contradiction. The movie apes 80’s kids movies fantastically, though. Goonies, The Explorers, ET, it definitely has that kind of vibe, and I greatly enjoyed it for that.

  • Flaming Squirrel

    Whoa… and now for something COMPLETELY different!
    Also, hail Shredder! 😀

    • Eltharrion

      He’ll be dining on kappa soup tonight.

  • Astralfury

    I would love for a 3rd even more badass Ninja to sit down, disheartening poor “Ironclaw-san” further.

  • Eltharrion

    …WAAAIT just a minute. Is that 1st place accessory ninja… Carrying a shield and a straight sword?!
    I mean, that could be ninjatõ or katana, but that shield is OBVIOUSLY A SHIELD!

    • suburban_samurai

      He’s prepped for a crusade.

      • Eltharrion

        But-but-but… Japan + Shields… WTF? I’M CONFUSED!

  • Da’Zlein

    Everyone knows that the more superfluous gear a ninja has, the closer he gets to being a boss instead of a mook

    • suburban_samurai

      I’ve played enough Tenchu to know the truth of this. It probably also applies to Ninja Giaden, you know, I’d assume.

    • Rose

      I’m sure plenty of them would be satisfied at named character.

      • Eltharrion

        Actually, that would put them on a death row to be first “important character” to be slain for sake of shaking the main character’s resolve. You know, DRAMA.

  • IDPounder

    I’m pretty sure that Fujio already established the precedent…the ninja with the coolest hat, wins.

    • suburban_samurai

      All the ninja are upping their game now!

    • Neska

      Hat supremacy is not limited to ninja . . . just ask a jaegermonster . . .

      • IDPounder

        He does have a veddy nize hat…

      • Eltharrion

        Jaegermonster NINJAS! I knew it! Heterodynes were planning this all along! THEY HAVE JAPAN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

  • Frédéric Purenne

    No one is going to mention the fact they’re eating with masks on?

    • suburban_samurai

      Eating with a mask on is a form of ninpo, clearly. I mean if they book their masks off no one would know they’re ninja! Let’s not think too hard about how ninja may actually want people to not know they’re ninja.

      • Eltharrion

        Well, among the other ninjas, they must protect their secret identity. It’s kind of reverse superhero logic. “Only one not allowed to know your face are those who work with you and might have to slay you on a job.”

  • Sunwu

    More Iron claw please He’s now my favorite ninja

    • suburban_samurai

      I think Iron Claw and Rapier should team up to form a buddy ninja pair. We could start a spinoff comic called Ninja Blade! Wait, I guess that’s already taken. Shadow Ninja! Wait, that’s taken too. Well, something with the word Ninja in it.

      • Sunwu

        What about “No Need For Shadows” or ” No Need for Ninjas” maybe “the Ninjas of Candy Mountain”?

      • jwkovell


        • suburban_samurai

          Blade of Ninjustice: Revengeance

          • Sunwu

            Ninja impossible!, D’ninjago(the D is silent)

      • Xinef

        Final Ninjasy XXXVIII

        • Kid Chaos

          “SpaceNinja” followed quickly by “SpaceNinja 2: The Search for More Accessories”.

          • Eltharrion

            I think it would go better with “Ninja Space”, and maybe “Ninja Space 2: The great beast”.

  • reynard61

    “Chad”??? There’s a ninja named “Chad”?!?!?! *shakes head in wonder at Ninja naming conventions*

    • Kid Chaos

      And Chad is all “Watch where you’re pointing that thing!” :)

    • suburban_samurai

      I’ll have you know Chad the Ninja is a feared warrior amongst his colleagues.

      • reynard61

        I never meant to imply that he wasn’t. I just think that “Chad” is a rather odd name for a Ninja.

  • Derkins

    I guess The Shredder was pretty fashion forward for his time?

    • Eltharrion

      Don’t you mean “behind”? These people are getting the cool design hundreds of years ahead of him. xD

      • Derkins

        lol ok. fair enough. maybe it was throwback?

  • ColdFusion

    This is possibly my favorite page

  • Rose

    If that guy keeps sharpening his blade over his rice like that, he’s gonna be eating metal.

    Haha, the orange guy. XD So loud, so borderline annoying.

    • Xinef

      He already looks metal, so I doubt eating metal would do him harm. I wonder if he’s into symphonic metal, my favorite genre, though.

  • chicky joey

    Oh god. When Iron Claw calls Chad a loser, I read it in Donald Trumps voice.

  • Warcodered

    Meanwhile at Ninja Academy.

  • Scott Henry

    What the hell kinda ninja has a shield….

    • Kid Chaos

      The kind who’s Crazy-Prepared? :)

  • Scott Henry

    Male ninja are more badass the more crap they wear. A female ninja is apparently more powerful the less she wears. Kinda sexist but true.

    • Xinef

      I wonder if it works in reverse when fighting against a female opponent.

      • Eltharrion

        Soo… When fighting a kunoichi, you should throw a poncho over them they’d lose all their powers?

        • Xinef

          I was thinking more along the lines of say, if Ina was your opponent, would it be better to send naked ninja and over-equipped kunoichi against her, rather than naked kunoichi and over-equipped ninja.

          … or, you know, ninja (and kunoichi) all disguised as Yori.

          … though she probably wouldn’t mind punching them in da face anyway :v

  • Crestlinger

    ‘inexplicably seems to have more soldiers than the Wataro army’ *Points at the leaders. Not so Inexplicably.

  • Insane Disciple

    I agree with the shoulder pads but an eyepatch is little much, ninja bra

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