As He came Into the great hall there was the sound of a crescendo!
Daimyo Are You OK? Are You OK, Daimyo?
You’ve Been Hit By! You’ve Been Struck By!
A Smooth Salesman/Criminal!!
*insert Genchu Moon walking his way out to escape*
“Genchu’s Translating Services! We promise we’ll say what you should.”
John Smith
This reminds me of the movie “Mr. Baseball” (1992) starring Tom Selleck. Tom played a fading major-leaguer who was unexpectedly traded to Japan (specifically the Tokyo Giants, if I remember correctly). He had a translator who also converted his words into something a bit more…shall we say “diplomatic” when necessary. 😀 suburban_samurai
What? Wow, that sounds great! I wonder if it’s on Netflix or Hulu…
Tom Selleck is made of Pure Awesome and anything with him in it is worth seeing.
😎 suburban_samurai
“I had the unfortunate habit of telling the truth in a country where no one ever says what they mean.” – butchered quote from The Last Samurai
Well, that’s that then. I’m OFFICIALLY cancelling our contract. When I tell the Heretics they’re going to burn for their wretched deeds, I mean for them to know EXACTLY THAT.
The charity operation Muskets for Daimyos is going to make it really hard for Senhor Bartello to make a sale here. suburban_samurai
UGH, CHARITY! amirite?? How’s a war profiteer supposed to make a buck!
Wait, just thought of something. Early fire-arms didn’t have a “safety.” They could conceivably go off simply by being dropped. I also notice the gun is pointing off panel, potentially at the messenger…
Early fire-arms also didn’t have multiple shots. That gun hasn’t be reloaded, so there’s no possibility that it could go off.
Oh pft. Details. suburban_samurai
I was going to steal that idea and write it in but now it’s RUINED with logic!
Thiago Kurovski
Early firearms used black powder and matches. Dropping would only work if it somehow made the match touch the powder…
Speaking of black powder…shouldn’t there be a *lot* of smoke in that room?
Johannes Hjortshøj
Insert Boomstick joke here suburban_samurai
Done and done!
Shouldn’t his other arm have ended in a chainsaw? Just thinking out… well, not out loud, but you know what I mean.
Do you see the end of his other arm? I dont!
No, but there ought to be smoke comin’ up or something. suburban_samurai
his right arm is going off the canvas, it’s cut off just before the wrist, so it COULD BE a chainsaw there, maybe! Also, I’m loving the Trogdor avatar!
I burninate the grammar and logic countryside, it seemed appropriate.
Brilliant! suburban_samurai
Hmmm… This fisherman has potential in the ways of the merchant
Drop the black powder tube… This is probably going to end just perfectly…