Outta the way, forest! Ken’s comin’ through! So I had to redraw Ken’s arms in that first panel because I realized that he was holding his sword with an opposite grip from what we’d seen on the previous page. It came out kind of awkward looking, I’m afraid (and now everyone will notice!) but I guess I’d rather have consistent and awkward over inconsistent? Granted, if you’re observantly reading through the archive, my tendency to accidentally change a character’s grip on his/her weapon is a common problem of mine…err, I mean, a common easter egg I like to throw in there for fun!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 36 Comments on 514
OH MAN KEN, YOU’RE SO COOL. Well, at least I think so…
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 40 Comments on 513
The script for this page had me laughing harder than you might imagine! I don’t know if it’s as funny in comic form as it is in my head, but I can clearly hear Fujio’s ‘ IIIIII’M on the list!” proclamation. I wish this were an animated series!
So I saw Gravity in the prerequisite IMAX 3D, and it was pretty swanky stuff, I gotta admit! Let me throw in a *SPOILER WARNING* right here because I want to share my thoughts on it. Visually, this movie was very cool. I loved watching all the space debris collision scenes and I was pretty much on the edge of my seat the entire time. But I do admit, I’m just a big fan of character banter, and Clooney’s and Bullock’s characters are only together for the first one third of the movie, and then Clooney is GONE (as in a ‘sorry, I’m gonna go die over here now’ sort of way). It’s all a one character show after that, with any dialog being Bullock speaking out loud to herselfl. Then there’s this great scene where Clooney magically reappears and starts cracking jokes and it totally got me for a second. I was like “Wow, they’re writing this movie like I would write this movie! Totally implausible, but incredibly fun!”, and then we quickly find out it was a hallucination and Clooney’s character isn’t really there. But for the briefest instant, the movie was on my radar for being the best darn thing since sliced Wonderbread.
Is anyone else with me on this one? If Colonel Kowalski had actually popped back up in his totally cartoonish fashion and he and Ms. Bullock had made it back to earth together, bantering all the way, would it have totally made this movie for you? Not to say I thought the movie needed some sort of storybook happy ending where the two leads couple up through adversity, I realize my version would’ve resulted in some pretty harsh judgement from the critics for being ‘too Hollywood’ , or ‘breaking the suspension of disbelief’. But, I am a sucker for silly characters and happy endings.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 30 Comments on 512
Yumiko’s gonna hit SOMETHING with an arrow, gosh darn it! ALSO it was Yumiko shooting the arrows all along SHOCKING. Anyway, I’m really excited about this Ken vs Yumiko fight, it’ll be cool, you’ll like it, for real.
I’ve been watching Agents of Shield and I LIKE IT. I don’t think it’s brilliant story telling, in fact, I think it’s pretty darn cheesy! But I also think the Marvel movies are often equally corny. What makes it all great is the character humor, and there’s plenty of that in Shield! Also, the awesome soundtrack, I want it. Anyone have a good Zombie Coulson theory?
I’m five episodes into Legend of Korra: Book 2, and, well, is it me, or is the season kinda dragging? It’s still plenty entertaining, and I’m laughing a lot, and the fight scenes are still beautifully animated, but I totally miss Amon. He was such a great, terrifying bad guy surrounded in mystery. This new guy(Unaloq?), well, he’s got plenty of mystery surrounding him, but he is in no way as threatening as Amon, and Korra’s lack of a clear goal seems to have all the characters kinda meandering about without any real direction. Also, Iroh’s triumphant return in Book 2 was hilariously lackluster! Almost as hilarious as his totally inappropriate voice (worked great for 16 year old Zuko, maybe not so much for 20 somthing Iroh!) Still loving the series, but it definitely feels like they were scrounging for a new plot thread after the intentionally self contained Book 1. Shoulda asked me, I’m full of great Korra ideas! Great idea number one, don’t do another plot with opposing water tribe brothers. Great idea Number two, bring back mustache guy (Amon’s right hand man), I love that dude!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 27 Comments on 511
And it’s back to the main cast! Joe has been having far too much fun writing the bandits’ dialog. They’re stealing every scene! The poor main cast is having a hard time being as entertaining, it would seem.
Anyone as excited about all the upcoming Nintendo games? Super Mario 3D World, Bravely Default, Mario Kart 8, A Link Between Worlds, Dual Destinies!! I don’t really consider myself a Nintendo fanboy, but nearly every game I’m excited about is on a Nintendo console. I should really consider picking up a WiiU, maybe if they come out with a Mario Kart bundle… I don’t have a 3DS either, but I snatched Joe’s since it was gathering dust, and have since put it to good use with 80+ hours of Fire Emblem Awakening. I really like that game! I’m also currently on Ace Attorney 3: Trials and Tribulations on my iPhone. Once that’s done, I suppose I’ll have to order the next two games on amazon so I can go into Dual Destinies fully prepped on the goings-on of the Ace Attorney universe. Also, Sonic’s back for Smash Bros, but no Snake? He was totally my main in Brawl! What am I going to do?? I mained Roy in Melee and he flew the coup, too. Not cool, Nintendo!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 19 Comments on 509
IMPLAUSIBLE!! But not impossible, you see, because the centripetal force from the ring on the key is what turned it to unlock the cuff. It could happen, for serious.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 41 Comments on 508
He’s doing a thing with his feet again! Masuhiro has some incredible core strength, you wouldn’t believe how many sit ups this guy can do!
I’ve been playing, gods, who knows how many hours of Fire Emblem: Awakening on Joe’s 3DS (I just stole it from him, I think he forgot he owned it). That comic if RIFE with humorous comic possibilities, someone could make a videogame webcomic about that game alone! So maybe I’ll draw out some of my ideas for it and stick it on my tumblr in the near future. I’m usually not that into turn based strategy games, but all the characters and music and art in FE:A greatly appeal to me, I can’t put it down! What? GTA V came out over a week ago? Sorry, too busy saving the future of Ylissia!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 30 Comments on 507
Hey, it’s Masuhiro, and he’s still locked up! Feel free to speculate on how he escapes from this setup. It may be awesome, I’m just sayin’. Everyone caught up on the new Legend of Korra season? I’m really enjoying it so far, but that third episode had so much angst in it, I was flashing back to that “The Beach” episode from season 3 of ATLA. Not my favorite bit! I’m hoping they’ll pick up the pacing and give everyone some definitive objectives come next episode.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 15 Comments on 506
Yumiko’s all business and headed straight for Yori and Co.!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 26 Comments on 505
It’s Yumiko! She’s been hinted at for a long time, the silent kunoichi in black who always seems to be standing behind Suzuka. WHO IS SHE? Is she even important or just there to look cool? We’ll be finding out shortly!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 29 Comments on 504