Fanart Crossover!
We got this great fanart from enthusiastic reader Katherine! Being a huge Korra fan myself, I’m always pro Korra/ATLA crossovers! I imagine since Korra could barely handle Tenzin’s airbender training, she would find any training wish Cho to be downright incomprehensible! Granted, incomprehension is often Cho’s natural state of being. Thanks, Katherine! Send more, maybe!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 3 Comments on Fanart Crossover!
I think I went a little too coocky on the sound effects in this page, but WHATEVER, it’s past 11pm and I’ve got work tomorrow!
On an unrelated side note, I gave in and preordered the Link Between Worlds 3DSXL bundle. SO EXCITED TO GET MY HANDS ON THAT BEAUTY! I may even return Joe’s 3DS that I’ve confiscated from him for the past year and a half or so. I’ll have to start my streetpass hording games all over again, but I’ve steeled myself for that inevitability! Also, A Link Between Worlds just looks fantastic, I’m so pumped to crash some Lorule!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 30 Comments on 523
Masuhiro ain’t takin’ none of this crap! And now he’s armed, GET OUT OF THE CAVE!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 25 Comments on 522
Oh, it’s Ayane! Joy, I get to draw girls in skimpy outfits again! Also, fighting may happen soon. It may be awesome.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 25 Comments on 521
Lookin’ Good!
After page 519 it just seemed appropriate!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 5 Comments on Lookin’ Good!
Imagine the Kill Bill theme playing as they walk in slow motion in the first panel!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 40 Comments on 520
Ina turned that one around on Yori, bam! But it makes perfect sense that there would be some skimpy ninja girl outfits lying around the NINJA CHANGING ROOM considering who runs this ninja cabal! Also, I took the reader’s suggestion and pulled out the Google Translate for that first panel. Supposedly it says ‘ninja changing room’, but in actuality it probably says ‘walrus balloon men’ or something of that ilk.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 54 Comments on 519
Good Ol’ Stargate SG-1
So I started rewatching Stargate SG-1 (its not on netflix so I had to bust out the DVDs, which is fine since I have the whole series). I wanted to remember why I consider is my favorite live action tv series, and now I remember! Its writing is consistently smart and hilarious! Even over 10 years, I loved the show straight into its final season, and I even dug the DVD movie followups, especially Ark of Truth! The whole show reinvented itself for season’s 9 and 10, and despite my initial skepticism at replacing the irreplaceable O’neil and introducing a new seemingly unstoppable nemesis, it actually worked wonderfully. Startgate was a big franchise, but I feel like it never did hit the main stream. Sure, it has a massive fan base, but it’s certainly not Star Trek of Star Wars. Still, for me, it consistently delivered the most entertainment value out of the three Star**** franchises! I’m still probably more of a Star Wars fanboy, but it sure as heck doesn’t deliver as consistent a level of entertainment as Stargate did…
I loved Stargate Atlantis, too, but its constantly shifting cast circa season 4 and 5 gave it a disjointed feel that I wasn’t so keen on. And then UGH Stargate Universe!! It’s like they were doing everything they could to make a series I couldn’t stand! Hard to believe it was the same creators as the other two series. Still better than the Star Wars prequels, though.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 5 Comments on Good Ol’ Stargate SG-1
Oh man, Fujio so wants to be a ninja, check out his enthusiasm!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 16 Comments on 517
You know that sound effect that plays when you find one of those hidden doors in Rayman Origins/Legend? That’s the sound effect in the first panel. NOW YOU KNOW. I’d like to a video of it, but I couldn’t find one that wasn’t just part of a long level play through! Also, I feel a rant coming on from Fumio…
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 22 Comments on 515