Ina’s exasperation is reaching a fevered pitch, it would seem!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 41 Comments on 537
Masuhiro continues to be “The Rope Master” as Ina clarifies the situation. And then CHO! What may happen next, pray tell?
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 58 Comments on 535
So I played through A Link Between Worlds, and it was an awesome, nostalgic sort of experience. My favorite part is the soundtrack, quite possibly my favorite Zelda OST of all time.
Also, if 2013 was the year of Luigi, 2014 might as well be the year of Rosalina. She’s a secret character in 3D World, and now she’s debut in both Mariokart 8 and Smash Bros for Nintendo’s most recent Nintendo Direct. That’s pretty great, since she’s MY FAVORITE PRINCESS. I mean, she’s a star princess! Hard to achieve a more awesome princess rank than that, aside from, perhaps, KING PRINCESS.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 2 Comments on Nintendooooo!!!!
What’s this? Ominously placed taut wires? Well, I’m sure their presence was just a coincidence.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 25 Comments on 530
Ken’s really romancing the stone, here! I love this dialog, and despite how I usually write Ken’s lines, this was all Joe’s doing! I’m kind of jealous of how great it is, wish I’d thought of it.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 48 Comments on 529
Listen, friends! I have some GRAVE NEWS, well, not that grave. For the rest of December, and also January, we’re moving to a one page a week update schedule, EVERY MONDAY. I want/intend to go back to two pages, but what with the holidays and such, I’m finding myself too pressed for time. This page was nearly late! So, be aware. I may move this to a general news post before the next update.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 51 Comments on 528
I keep laughing at this page! Fumio gets so nervous that they’re about to be outed as infiltrators, he just pushes all the suspicion on Ina, Yori, and Cho without even giving Ina a chance to get them out of it! Maybe he was hoping to avoid his inevitable death at her enraged hands. “YES, THAT’S IT! THAT’S THE EXPLANATION!!”
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 16 Comments on 527
So this is a bad position to be in…right?? I just don’t know anymore! Anyway, we might as well go see what the main cast is up to currently!
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 24 Comments on 525
524 Alt Dialog
We determined this dialog to be TOO DIRTY for the comic’s canon, but I wrote this page initially because we didn’t have a finalized script at first, just a note that somehow Ayane beats Masuhiro. It’s a little TOO OVERT maybe, but it had me laughing for hours, I KID YOU NOT. We changed the dialog because in this version Masuhiro’s saying very dirty stuff and can’t stop himself for no good reason, while in the other version Masuhiro’s trying to apologize for poor word usage, which is a bit more in character for him.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 2 Comments on 524 Alt Dialog
Hey now, I know we’ve done this same joke a bunch of times, but we haven’t done it in a while! And, come on, that was pretty funny! Well, I thought it was, at least…
The original dialog I’d cooked up for this page was even more hysterical, although significantly more inappropriate! You can find it here for anyone interested.
Published on by Alex Kolesar | 67 Comments on 524