
Features these Characters

Belongs to these Storylines



I hate this page, it is my enemy. Don’t anybody compliment it, it has been the bane of my existence for the past two days! I don’t think there’s anything more disheartening to a digital artist than to lose their work right near its completion to a corrupted file. We bought a PSD file recovery program and saved some of the background painting, which was a curse and blessing because I had to draw over the painting, which resulted in less good drawings. It’s not awful, the page is fine, I guess, but the headache of doing it again from almost scratch was not fun, I assure you, dear readers!

EDIT: After careful consideration, I have decided not to hate this page.

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  • Mike

    That’s the spirit! Just make sure you’re not on the boat with them when they do.

    • suburban_samurai

      Ricardo makes it a habit to be the last to board any ship!

  • Sunwu

    Good thing he’s selling the nitroglycerine machine guns to the Koreans

    • suburban_samurai

      Wait, how is that a good thing??

      • Sunwu

        Ricardo is a shrewd business man and he knows how to play the game of regional stability. Japanese gets gunpowder, Koreans Get nitroglycerine, and the Chinese get opium, copious amounts of government crippling opium.

        • MoveAlongCitizen

          Nah, that’s the British. He’s selling MERCURY to the Chinese. Told them it was a vital ingredient in Eternal Life potions and if it didn’t seem to be working, they just needed to up the dosage.

          • 627235

            Wouldn’t he be almost two millennia late for that?

  • charles81

    He be hating
    They be rolling
    He be ducking
    They be ‘sploding

    • suburban_samurai

      Tryin to catch me photoshopin’ dirty. (I couldn’t think of a clever version of that)

      • charles81

        Alex be saving
        Files be corrupting
        Alex be hating
        Files be recovering

  • Robert J Brien

    It was bad and you should feel bad for making it.

    That good?

    • suburban_samurai

      I find your proposal acceptable.

      • Scott Henry

        You should commit seppuku in shame.

        • suburban_samurai

          Allow me to cleanse myself of this dishonor, ScottHenry-dono!!

  • Bart Massey

    You’ve got a plan for backups for next time, right? Some way to make sure you get an isolated snapshot of your work every half-hour or so?

    • suburban_samurai

      Yes, I grew complacent since I haven’t encountered a situation like this since I can remember! Photoshop CC creates backups every five minutes, but I was using the older Photoshop CS5 at the time. Anyway, I have no one but myself and TECHNOLOGY to blame. It’s annoying, but I definitely should be making work-in-progress back up files.

      • Thiago Kurovski

        Put everything in Git :). Everything!

        • Xinef

          And put the repository in a Dropbox folder and push it to Github every now and then 😀

          • Thiago Kurovski

            Just don’t put it in iCloud :)…

  • Lady Courage

    *pets your head gently* OK, no compliments on the page… How about… Compliments on your persevering?

    I’ve lost work to corrupted files too. It’s maddening. I also one time somehow saved an original photoshop file in such a way that all my extremely important work that had taken me an entire 8 hour day to put together was flattened into a single layer. And then I had to change stupid fiddly things like colors, so had to recreate it just so I could change the darn color. Ugh. It’s stressing me out again just thinking about it…

    Anyway… I’m sorry. ‘Ya did good anyway.

    • suburban_samurai

      It’s a tough life we live, in this digital age. I’ve overcome my anger at ‘the man’, though. Let us never think of corrupted files again. You know, until next time, when all the pain and rage suddenly comes flooding back and a desk gets flipped.

      • Lady Courage

        Glad to hear it! Let’s shake on never thinking of corrupted files again. And desk flipping.

  • Petrus

    So I just read through this entire comic, and while I will not compliment this particular page as per your wishes, I will compliment all the others. The story is interesting, I love the humor (I let out a hearty laugh in the middle of class for “Fish ain’t breakfast!”), and the art is awesome. Thank you for providing such quality entertainment!

    • suburban_samurai

      Sir, I will take your compliments and consume them along with my balanced breakfast!

  • Hfar

    They see me rollin’! They gaijin! Pursing trying to charge me reals in thirties!

    • suburban_samurai

      Oh, your version’s way better than mine!

      • Hfar

        To be fair trying to come up with something of a similar syllable count to that song that’s relevant is bloody difficult.

  • MoveAlongCitizen

    Please don’t hate the page. It just wants to be loved.

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