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OH HO Ina’s gettin’ all up in dad’s FACE!

And LO, the Kickstarter has achieved full fundage! I’d like to thank all the backers who have made this possible, we are really looking forward to getting the printed books into your hands! From this point on, every $500 we make beyond the original $6k goal will result in an extra weekly NN4B comic page! So expect another page THIS WEEK, and if we hit $6500 before Thursday, expect another one next week, too! EDIT: The holiday weekend requires we push the first of the extra page updates back until next week.

Now I’m going to talk negatively about a movie! Don’t worry, it’s spoiler free.

I saw Da Hobbit: Battle of CG Monsters. It’s OKAY I guess. I wish we’d just gotten a really great single movie, all from Bilbo’s perspective, with the three major acts being the troll confrontation, the Gollum riddles, and the dragon’s lair thievery. I mean they cast the most perfectest human actor to play Bilbo, and poor Martin Freeman’s barely in these films! Also, the Hobbit films are a tonally inconsistent mess. It’s hard to invest in the drama of a movie where a character can respond to “there’s about a hundred more goblins heading this way,” with “we’ve got this!” I did not realize Thorin was the Middle Earth equivalent of Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors. He might as well have said “Two musou attacks should take them out. I charged my special meter on the way up the hill!”

Having said all that, I did enjoy the third Hobbit movie more than the first two. although the Gollum scene in the first film is the highlight scene of this trilogy. Hobbit 3 was also the shortest of the films, which is a plus in my book! Granted they’ll certainly release an extended edition with an extra half hour of footage that I will absolutely watch. I want to find out what the deal was with the cross dressing unibrow guy. I kept expecting him to find some courage or die, but in the end he was just some incompetent bumbling idiot that did did nothing, so he probably had a cut scene! Also, funeral scene? Gotta be on the cutting room floor.

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  • Sam DunKley

    Oh snap, sir. Ina is once again demonstrating that the ability to think and talk well is the bit that keeps the wars won.

    • suburban_samurai

      Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. No war’s been won quite yet!

      • John Smith

        True…but don’t bet against the Lady Senshin!

        • Sam DunKley

          On that note…PLACE YER BETS HEEEEYAH!! WE’RE GIVING 12-TO-ONE ON LORD S. FOLDING IMMEDIATELY AND INTELLIGENTLY!! One’ll get you five that he needs one more page of persuading.

          • John Smith

            Oh, it’s no contest; Ina’s father will fold like a paper fan.

          • Mike

            But a very manly, ninja killing paper fan right?

          • John Smith

            But of course!

  • IDPounder

    Oh no he di’n’t…

    • suburban_samurai

      Oh, but then she DID.

  • CaptainBetrayer

    “AND LASTLY, we need SOMEONE in the party who can pull off pink. Because you, DAD, can’t.”

    • suburban_samurai

      That’s harsh! I think Masuhiro makes pink look GOOD.

  • endplanets

    And that’s how you get it done.

    • suburban_samurai

      You bombard your opponent with information!

  • Gianni Comoretto

    Definitely different from the princess that was going to have adventures only with a court of servants for her immediate needs. Well done, Ina

    • suburban_samurai

      Some may call the angry princess trope too cliche, but I like to think we’ve given Ina enough of her own identity that she breaks the mold, or at least some of the mold.

  • Mike

    “INA RANT!”

    • suburban_samurai


  • Sunwu

    We sometimes forget with a cast as fun and rich as this one that Ina is the Main char of NN4B and her intelligence agency is a sight to behold

    • suburban_samurai

      The bar may be set low, but she vaults it with all available effort anyway!

  • John Smith

    He never learns, does he?

    • IDPounder

      Masahiro does seem to epitomize all things masculine. Including, unfortunately, a complete lack of understanding of the fairer sex.

      • suburban_samurai

        Truly his greatest weakness…


        To be fair, nobody really understands the fairer sex, not even themselves.

  • Richard Cockman

    Indeed, she has already been exposed to a whole lot of danger, and made it out unscathed. So, it is only reasonable to keep exposing her to more danger right?

    • Thiago Kurovski

      An impeccable piece of logic. Can’t find a fault.

    • suburban_samurai

      There’s a girl who leads a life of danger.
      To everyone she meeds she stays a stranger!
      With every move she makes,
      another chance she takes,
      Odds are she won’t live to see tomorrow…

      • reynard61

        “Secret Asian Ma-uh, Girl! Secret Asian Girl! You’ve got your father’s number, and you’re ready to play the game!” *intense guitar solo*

  • KungFuKlobber

    Bilbo still got more screen time than Batman (in the Batsuit) got in The Dark Knight Rises.

    The first 15 minutes were pretty awesome, as were the last 5, and there were moments of awesomeness in the middle. But there were so many plot threads that never got wrapped up! Neither of Peter Jackson’s made-up characters that got a lot of screen time was anywhere near as great as certain characters who were cut from the LOTR movies: Fatty Bolger, Glorfindel, Imrahil, Beregond.

    • squirejames

      I’m still wondering about the time difference between Bilbo’s and Frodo’s departure from Bag End. The movie made it seem like it was only hours, perhaps even minutes! How did Bilbo manage to age all those years and STILL beat Frodo to Rivendell?!

      • suburban_samurai

        The movie does make it seem like very little time passes, but in the books, it’s 50 or 60 years between when Bilbo leaves and then Gandalf appears again and explains what the ring is.

      • Kid Chaos

        In “LOTR: Fellowship”, Gandalf explained that Bilbo stayed young (well, relatively speaking) thanks to the Ring. Once Bilbo left it with Gandalf, his age started catching up with him. That’s how he went from a middle-aged Hobbit to an old geezer in about a month (give or take).

    • suburban_samurai

      The 15 minutes were, perhaps, exciting. I would not call them awesome as much as I would ‘silly’. Bard using his sun as a stabilizing bow for the black arrow seems illogical, implausible, and comedic. And then the tower fell but they were okay! I mostly laughed and chuckled through the sequence, I also shook my head a lot! Maybe I’m just cynical, I just didn’t approve of how much silly cartoon physics were employed in these movies in comparison to LOTR, and it ain’t like LOTR didn’t have plenty of silly physics! Silly physics do break my immersion in any attempted drama, generally. If they were playing it for laughs, though, SUCCESS!

  • reynard61

    Say it, sister!

  • OrlahEhontas

    Next line: “Does not matter. I am your father and you are going home because I say so!”

    Parent card theoretically trumps all logic. And childish rants

    • Derkins

      I think this rant is rather mature. She knows what she can handle, and she’s old enough to set her own boundaries, and is claiming her own power as a capable woman. I mean, if she’s old enough to be married off, that alone shows she’s “grown up” even if just on a technicality. Not that he would want his daughter in danger, just, she has the right to voice this. And she’s right. She’d be the irresponsible one letting her hard headed dad run off to get himself into more trouble. Considering what’s happened to them both since they set out of their homes, I’d say Ina’s had a far better track record 😉

      • OrlahEhontas

        Didn’t say that she WAS going to go home. Just imagining Dad’s next line in the strip. Probability of success of that appeal… close enough to ZERO to not really matter. But he’s a dad and he has to try.

      • suburban_samurai

        I love these acronyms, I’m going to put them to every day use.

  • noisyparker

    Well, she just sassed herself right out of that trip to the craft store (and a stop at the ice cream parlour) he’d arranged for her!

    • suburban_samurai


      • noisyparker

        Well, it seems like she wanted a mouthful of sass more… I hope she enjoys that while the other princesses are having their ice cream!

  • Derkins

    you tell ‘im, Ina! them’s fightin’ words!

  • Hfar

    This is one princess who will not be excused.

    • suburban_samurai

      Reference approved!

  • Xinef

    Now, Ina, try telling the same thing to your mother 😉

    • suburban_samurai

      Ooooh, that probably wouldn’t go over too well. Although, well, her mom might agree with her.

  • greg zahn

    everything always looks good alex, ina looks super fly in the final panel though

    • suburban_samurai

      Thanks Greg, I was particularly happy with how she turned out there!

  • Neska

    Hell yes, Ina!
    This is no time to be sitting around a castle looking pretty!
    Pity Masuhiro seems to have bought in to the whole princess thing and didn’t have Ina do some weapons training (as the daughter of a daimyo, who is by definition samurai, Ina is also samurai and should have learned at least the basics of sword, bow, and spear use. even if she was never expected to go to battle, female samurai were not forbidden from going to war and were expected to defend their homes when the men were fighting and to defend themselves). Clearly, Masuhiro underestimated his daughter.

  • Insane Disciple


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